Foot Care 101

Common Causes for  Foot Issues

It's important to understand that foot problems stem from many causes. We will help you identify the source of your symptoms. 
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  • Hereditary

    Some of us are just born with feet that are prone to issues. 

  • Conditions Caused by Poorly Fit Shoes.



    Pain caused by a tiny bone growth that extends from the heel to the arch. This growth can come from repeated stress, inadequate shoe support, as well as poorly fitted shoes.


    Pronation is the natural movement your feet make when you walk. When your shoes don't provide the proper structure you need, then you could experience pain from overpronation or supination.
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    Hammer Toes

    This is a condition when the toes push down to unload pain on the ball of the foot and become stuck in this position. Inadequate footwear and support are the main causes of Hammer toes.
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    Plantar Fasciitis

    A person with plantar fasciitis may experience pain in their heel or the middle part of their feet. This is due to inflammation in the muscles and tendons in the bottom of your feet caused by  inadequate arch support.
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    Turf Toe

    This is damage to the joint located at the base of the big toe typically caused by sports related activities and improperly fitted shoes.. The condition results in pain when bending the big toe joint. 


    Bunions appear when one wears shoes that create pressure on the big toe. Over time bumps develop on the big toe joint. A bunion will make it hard for one to move their big toe and cause pain every time they attempt walking.
    Find Solutions to Your Foot Pain!
    Free Foot Analysis

    We Believe in Fitting Your Feet. Not Just Sizing Them.

    Your feet will thrive in the proper environment. It all starts with the choosing the right shoe to support them.

    Every one's feet are different. Thats why the "one shoe fits all" model is causing plenty of Americans to live with chronic foot pain. Each person that limps through our doors walks out with confidence because they just bought a pair of shoes that are made for their feet and their feet only.

    The first step to pain free living is setting up a free foot analysis to best gauge where your feet need support. 
    What can Jensen Comfort Shoes do for your feet? Let's find out!
    Free Foot Analysis
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